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What exactly does "Taboo"??

I have found different definitions of the word, a few listed below.

1. something that is "banned on the grounds of morality or taste." - Marriam-Webster dictionary.

2. "proscribed by society as improper or unacceptable." -

3. " a social or religious custom prohibiting or forbidding discussion of a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing." -

4. I asked my friend what Taboo is and he stated that it is "something that people don't talk about or are not readily comfortable with sharing and talking about."

There are so many things in this world that are considered Taboo, yet they either shouldn't be considered Taboo or do not meet the definition standard of Taboo. So why are they then categorized as Taboo? Is Taboo more a societal construct that we have all adopted? Does each individual person develop their own" Taboos" over time? Is Taboo based on different groups of people who hold similar morals and values?

I feel that people label subjects Taboo because they are uncomfortable with the topic or lack a clear position on it, when in fact the topic is really a controversial issue. Not many people like controversy because it can lead to confrontations and disagreements that make you question your understanding of the world around you. However, I think those are some of the best topics. Too often people take the position of "Passive Patty" (they just go with the flow and never engage) so as to not have any type of ownership or positionality. With so much going on in the world today, it is hard not to have a position on anything because you are almost forced to confront "taboo" issues everyday. Between the news, social media, the workplace, and your personal lives; something controversial or taboo is bound to come before you and you have to discuss it.

image from: Questions by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images


Mental Health



Sexual Orientation


Workplace Relationships



Would you consider these Taboo or Controversial?

What are some taboo subjects that you've heard of? Do you agree or disagree with them?

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